Saturday, April 28, 2007

My First Post

Oh Hi! This is my first post. I'm so excited to finally start my own blog. I've heard so much about them. I thought I should share a little about myself first. I'm 32 years old and a single mother with two children both boys. Its tough to raise boys all alone, but I know I'll do it right. I decided to bring them up here in West Virgina where I did. I tried to leave the mountain state for a few years but it was no use I just missed the mountains too much! Well if any one is reading this I hope I don't get too personal. I was in a bad relationship but thats over now and I'm better now. I go to church and the best thing I ever di dwas give my life up to the Lord and brought my children up in the church like I was. I turned away from God for many years and did alot of things I'm not proud of but now I pray about what direction God wants my life to be. I still listen to music and tv shows ans still like to laugh at jokes but not too much. Well I better get back to the kids and give them their bath before bedtime. I just know this blog will turn out to be something great!


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